Case Study: Two Wells Hydroponic Tomato Water Treatment Plant, SA (1 ML/day)


d’VineRipe is a leading truss tomato producer near Adelaide that requires an extensive amount of water to irrigate the tomato crops (247 ML/year). The d’VineRipe Two Wells 8.2 hectare glasshouse is one of the largest in Australia, producing 5,000 tonnes of hydroponic truss tomatoes.

The glasshouse, designed for optimum light transmission and energy efficiency, is one of the most technologically advanced glasshouses in the world as it uses the latest in computerised climate control system which controls critical growing parameters (ventilation, humidity, temperature, irrigation, and carbon dioxide levels) within the glasshouse. This, combined with the installation of a natural gas co-generation plant and use of treated recycled water, the glasshouse operates in an environmentally friendly manner

Adelaide’s potable water and treated effluent from Bolivar Sewage Treatment Plant contains too much sodium for tomatoes to thrive, so treated water was required to irrigate 8.2 hectares of hydroponic tomatoes at Two Wells.


The Two Wells Hydroponic Tomato Water Treatment Plant uses microfiltration and reverse osmosis to treat up to 1 ML/day of DAFF treated water, sourced from the Bolivar Water Reuse Project (north of Adelaide). The treated water is suitable for irrigation of hydroponic tomatoes and cooling water for their evaporation system. 


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