Important Information

At Darling Quarter recycled water is used for:

  • Cooling tower make up,
  • Toilet flushing,
  • Irrigation of base building gardens.

Is NOT suitable for

  • Drinking

General Precautionary Measures

  • Avoid direct contact with recycled water
  • Immediately wash area with non-recycled water should you come in contact with recycled water.

About Us

Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies (VWST), subsidiary of Veolia Water Technologies, is a leading design & build company and a specialized provider of technological...



Why Recycled Water?

Our recycled water treatment plants treat wastewater using advanced technologies to replace precious drinking water for non potable uses...


Wilton RWTP Project

The new Recycled Water Treatment Plant will treat municipal wastewater from the residential development to provide high quality treated water...



Darling Quarter RWTP

High quality recycled water suitable for toilet flushing, irrigation and cooling tower make-up water will be produced in the new Recycled Water Plant...

