Project Information

Veolia as Network Operations and Retail Supply Licencee has been operating Recycled Water Treatment facilities in Bingara Gorge Facilities since 2011. The facilities initially were being operated out of a Temporary Recycled Water Plant (TRWP) until 2017. Simultaneously, Veolia had designed and built a Permanent Recycled Water Treatment (PRWP) between 2015 to 2017 and applied for variation in license for such new treatment infrastructure. 

IPART granted Licensee to commercially operate the Bingara Permanent Recycled Water Plant (PRWP) under WICA Act Schedule 1 Part 1 Article 2 (3) on 1stNovember 2017, based on a Ministerial decision of the same date. PRWP has been commercially operating since 08 December 2017.

The Temporary Recycled Water Plant (TRWP) which was in operations since 2011, has been mothballed from 08 December 2017, and its operations at any stage in future is pending discussions between the asset owner (Lend Lease Utilities) and licensee.

How does this work?

Veolia Biosep uses a biological tank and a membranes system, these membrane modules are directly immersed in the sites biological tank.



Questions & Answers

Why was there a need to build a private Recycled Water Treatment Plant (RWTP) ?

As the Bingara Gorge development is located outside of the normal...

