Purpose & Benefits of the Wilton Recycled Water Treatment Plant 

As the new residential development at Wilton (Bingara Gorge Community) was located outside of the normal wastewater network serviced by Sydney Water initially, it was necessary to construct a privately owned and operated Recycled Water Treatment Plant to service the community's needs. 

Wastewater is collected from homes, golf course, school, retail & commercial users. It is then treated through a 4-step barrier process to remove viruses, bacteria and protozoa and make it safe for use in irrigation and for toilet flushing. 

This solution enables the community to have their wastewater treated on site and produce recycled water, saving precious drinking water for the population. 

How does this work?

Veolia Biosep uses a biological tank and a membranes system, these membrane modules are directly immersed in the sites biological tank.



Questions & Answers

Why was there a need to build a private Recycled Water Treatment Plant (RWTP) ?

As the Bingara Gorge development is located outside of the normal...

